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door Teckeltoos
24 aug 2023, 10:31
Forum: In Herinnering
Onderwerp: Als men vraagt " Hoe gaat het nu met je?"
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Als men vraagt " Hoe gaat het nu met je?"

Ik kwam een verhaal tegen waar bij het lezen ervan ik een brok in mijn keel kreeg. Ik zag mijzelf weer bij de da zitten met ons kleine heksje in mijn armen.

Het is in het Engels. Ik zou het zomaar zelf geschreven kunnen hebben en velen met mij denk ik.

They saw you watching over them
As they finally closed their eyes
They smelt your scent as they breathed
In and out for the last time

They heard the way your voice broke
As you told them they were loved
They felt you as you held them
With your gentle, farewell touch

And now they watch each morning
As you pass their empty bed
They watch you lose composure
And they see the tears you shed

They hear you bear the silence
Of the footsteps that are gone
That walk across your heart each day
Like echoes of a song

They feel the pang of emptiness
You get when you’re alone
In moments when you realise
That they’re never coming home

But in their darkest moment
You were there to hold them tight
And they just want the same for you
So you can feel alright

So they’re sewing you a rainbow,
Weaving ribbons through the sky
So they can let you know
That life is good beyond goodbye

So next time it is raining
And the sun appears as well
Just feel and look and listen
To what they are trying to tell

They’re telling you it’s spring there
With its showers and its sun
Where there are endless fields for them
To play and stretch and run

They’re telling you they sleep upon
The biggest, softest beds
That they have stitched from all the clouds
That float above your head

They’re telling you they’re not alone
For there are many others
And they’ve been reunited
With their parents, sisters, brothers

They’re showing you their rainbow
So you know they won’t forget you
And to tell you they will always be
So happy that they met you

And they’re telling you they love you
And though they’ll be dearly missed,
Not to worry, ‘cause it’s beautiful
Beyond the rainbow bridge

Written by Becky Hemsley 2022