Er is 1 resultaat gevonden

door Nanna
26 mei 2024, 19:06
Forum: Kynologische Klets
Onderwerp: 93%
Reacties: 11
Weergaves: 1487


Pit Bulls and Pit Bull mixes are the most prevalent type of dog entering shelters across America. If these statistics don’t shock us into working on creative solutions to help these dogs, the Pit Bull will continue to pay the ultimate price, its life!

Shelters in large cities across the nation report a “pit bull” population of anywhere from 40% to 60%. The national average being 33%.
About 75% of municipal shelters euthanize Pit Bulls immediately upon intake, without even a chance at adoption.
Studies estimate that up to 1 million Pit Bulls and Pit Bull mixes are euthanized per year, or 2800 per day.
A study by Animal People reports a 93% euthanasia rate for Pit Bulls and only 1 in 600 Pit Bulls finding a forever home. That is correct, 1 in 600!
Pit Bulls are the most abused, misused and killed type of dog in the US today.