Ancestry-inclusive dog genomics challenges popular breed stereotypes
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Uit de discussie:Thus, dog breed is generally a poor predictor of individual behavior and should not be used to inform decisions relating to selection of a pet dog.
Ik las al ergens een krantenkop á la "Pitbull of Labrador? Ras maakt niet uit bij aggressie" of zoBehavioral traits are subtly differentiated in modern breeds (Fig. 2B). Furthermore, breed offers only modest value for predicting the behavior of individual dogs. For more heritable and more breed-differentiated traits, like biddability (factor 4), knowing breed ancestry can make behavioral predictions somewhat more accurate in purebred dogs. For less heritable, less breed-differentiated traits, like agonistic threshold (factor 5), which measures how easily a dog is provoked by frightening, uncomfortable, or annoying stimuli, breed is almost uninformative.
In our ancestrally diverse cohort, we show that behavioral characteristics ascribed to modern breeds are polygenic, environmentally influenced, and found, at varying prevalence, in all breeds. They likely naturally arose over millennia as dogs followed human migrations and adapted to new human technologies (2). The tight bottlenecks that established modern breeds captured ancient variation, at varying frequencies, with subsequent genetic drift or selection further shaping modern breeds (Fig. 3, A and B).
We found no evidence that the behavioral tendencies in breeds reflect intentional selection by breeders (Fig. 6I) but cannot exclude the possibility. Current datasets are too small to detect more subtle, recent directional selection, which requires hundreds of thousands of samples (96). In dogs, breed demographic history makes detecting selection particularly challenging (1, 97).